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 Deep and Shallow Semantic Presentations in Intelligent Fact Extractors


Igor P. Kuznetsov, Elena B. Kozerenko

Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



Abstract The paper deals with the issues of design and development of syntactic semantic and lexical semantic presentations in linguistic processors of the systems based on the Extended Semantic Networks (ESN) mechanism. The systems of this class, further the ESN systems, are created for knowledge extraction from natural language texts and mapping the extracted entities and relations into the knowledge base structures for further use by experts in application areas. This paper focuses on the language engineering solutions employed for constructing an integral linguistic model which can be modified depending on the specific task, and which range from the "heavy" form based on the specific deep presentations to the reduced shells focused on a particular subject area and (or) a controlled language. Special attention is given to the techniques of describing the distributional and transformational features of language objects/

Example of text transformation presented by ESN:


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